Arts & Culture Opportunities in the City of Moscow, ID
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This online resource connects the public with visual, literary, and performing artists and is a valuable resource for the community. Sharing your contact information is not required to be included in this Directory, though providing some details will help the public connect with you.
2024-2025 Artwalk Season Finale: June 26 from 4 - 8 p.m.
Moscow Artwalk is a cornerstone cultural event that, for over two decades, has fostered a thriving artistic ecosystem within the Palouse region by showcasing the community’s diverse artistic talents. Held on the 3rdThursday of each month from October to May at business and non-profit locations throughout Moscow, Artwalk offers a unique opportunity to engage with local artistic expression. The 2024-2025 season culminates in a grand finale on June 26th, 2025, transforming Main Street into a creative hub buzzing with artist showcases, captivating performances, and delectable culinary offerings.
This form is for those who would like to participate as a Host Location inside their own brick-and-mortar business or non-profit organization.
Monthly Host registration is available to all businesses and non-profits each month throughout the season. Hosts are invited to feature up to 5 visual, performing, culinary, or literary listings by selecting the Monthly Host registration type.
Monthly Host Registration Fees
- Business Host Location - $106
- Non-Profit Host Location - $53.00
- Arts Listing - $26.00 each
Businesses and non-profits were invited to sign up prior to September 16, 2024 for the entire 2024-2025 Artwalk Season. Pre-registered Season Hosts may enter Arts listings on a monthly basis by selecting the Season Host registration type.
Participation Guidelines
Following registration, all participants will receive an email containing event-branded graphics to support participant promotion of the Artwalk Season Finale. Share these graphics and/or City of Moscow social media posts to connect with an even broader audience. Additionally, Arts Staff will deliver event posters, artwork title cards, and flyers to each host location prior to the event.
Please find answers to Frequently Asked Questions HERE.
You may save this form as a draft and come back to submit the final version. Scroll to the bottom to click the "Save Draft" button. To return to the form, login to Submittable and open the form for editing. Please double-check that all information is correct prior to submitting, as the content provided will be published on the flyer exactly as it appears in the form.
2024-2025 Artwalk Season Finale: June 26 from 4 - 8 p.m.
Moscow Artwalk is a cornerstone cultural event that, for over two decades, has fostered a thriving artistic ecosystem within the Palouse region by showcasing the community’s diverse artistic talents. Held on the 3rdThursday of each month from October to May at business and non-profit locations throughout Moscow, Artwalk offers a unique opportunity to engage with local artistic expression. The 2024-2025 season culminates in a grand finale on June 26th, 2025, transforming Main Street into a creative hub buzzing with artist showcases, captivating performances, and delectable culinary offerings.
This form is for those who would like to participate as a Food/Non-alcoholic Beverage Booth in the Artwalk street fair. These booth spaces on Main Street are available to a wide variety of registrants. Examples include, but certainly are not limited to the following:
- Food vendors
- Non-alcoholic beverage vendors
- Business or non-profit organizational outreach (e.g. popcorn, sno cones, candy)
- Brick-and-mortar location outside the Main St. corridor
Registration Fees
- Food/Non-alcoholic Beverage Booth (on Main Street) - $84
- Youth Vendor (under the age of 18) - $0
Vendor Duplication
To avoid duplication, Food/Non-alcoholic Beverage Booth registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis (i.e. space in the event footprint will be reserved for only one sushi vendor, donut-maker, kettle corn seller, etc.) This area of the registration form will be updated regularly as registrations come in. The following Food/Non-alcoholic Beverage Booth registration types have already been received:
Participation Guidelines
All registered participants will receive an email containing event-branded graphics to support participant promotion of the Artwalk Season Finale. Share these graphics and/or City of Moscow social media posts to connect with an even broader audience.
All vendors are expected to be present and open for customer interaction throughout the duration of the event. In the weeks leading up the event, each registrant will be informed about vendor space assignments, load-in, and load-out times. Please note that each registrant will be responsible for supplying canopies, tables, and other equipment required for their activity during the event.
Please find answers to Frequently Asked Questions HERE.
You may save this form as a draft and come back to submit the final version. Scroll to the bottom to click the "Save Draft" button. To return to the form, login to Submittable and open the form for editing. Please double-check that all information is correct prior to submitting, as the content provided will be published on the flyer exactly as it appears in the form.
2024-2025 Artwalk Season Finale: June 26 from 4 - 8 p.m.
Moscow Artwalk is a cornerstone cultural event that, for over two decades, has fostered a thriving artistic ecosystem within the Palouse region by showcasing the community’s diverse artistic talents. Held on the 3rdThursday of each month from October to May at business and non-profit locations throughout Moscow, Artwalk offers a unique opportunity to engage with local artistic expression. The 2024-2025 season culminates in a grand finale on June 26th, 2025, transforming Main Street into a creative hub buzzing with artist showcases, captivating performances, and delectable culinary offerings.
This form is for Beer and/or Wine Vendors who wish to pour beer and/or wine in the official Artwalk drinkware at their brick-and-mortar location or on-street booth within the event footprint. The Artwalk street footprint stretches from 3rd to 6th on Main Street, including the half-block of 5th Street between Main and the alley. Up to 5 vendors of this type will be accepted.
Registration Fees
- Beer and/or Wine Vendor (brick-and-mortar) - $84
- Beer and/or Wine Vendor (on-street booth) - $84
ALL Beer & Wine Vendors
All vendors who register to pour beer & wine will be provided with official Artwalk event drinkware. These cups are to be provided free-of-charge to members of the public 21 years-of-age or older who have purchased beer or wine after showing valid identification. All beer and wine consumed within the on-street event footprint must be contained in Artwalk drinkware. Beer and/or wine vendors found to be pouring beer and/or wine in non-approved drinkware will not be allowed to continue serving during the event.
Participation Guidelines
All registered participants will receive an email containing event-branded graphics to support participant promotion of the Artwalk Season Finale. Share these graphics and/or City of Moscow social media posts to connect with an even broader audience.
All vendors are expected to be present and open for customer interaction throughout the duration of the event. In the weeks leading up the event, each registrant will be informed about vendor space assignments, load-in, and load-out times. Please note that each registrant will be responsible for supplying canopies, tables, and other equipment required for their activity during the event.
Please find answers to Frequently Asked Questions HERE.
You may save this form as a draft and come back to submit the final version. Scroll to the bottom to click the "Save Draft" button. To return to the form, login to Submittable and open the form for editing. Please double-check that all information is correct prior to submitting, as the content provided will be published on the flyer exactly as it appears in the form.
2024-2025 Artwalk Season Finale: June 26 from 4 - 8 p.m.
Moscow Artwalk is a cornerstone cultural event that, for over two decades, has fostered a thriving artistic ecosystem within the Palouse region by showcasing the community’s diverse artistic talents. Held on the 3rdThursday of each month from October to May at business and non-profit locations throughout Moscow, Artwalk offers a unique opportunity to engage with local artistic expression. The 2024-2025 season culminates in a grand finale on June 26th, 2025, transforming Main Street into a creative hub buzzing with artist showcases, captivating performances, and delectable culinary offerings.
This form is for those who would like to participate as an Art Vendor/Demonstrator in the Artwalk street fair on Main Street. Registrants have an option to request placement in the Kidwalk section of the Artwalk street fair. This part of the street fair is ideal for registrants whose vendor/demonstrator booths are designed to engage kids and families in art viewing and hands-on interaction.
Art Vendor/Demonstrator booth spaces are available to a wide variety of registrants. Examples include, but certainly are not limited to the following:
- Individual artist vendors or art displays
- Art clubs or collectives
- University or K-12 program outreach
- Business or non-profit organizational outreach with art activity
- Entities with a brick-and-mortar location outside the Main St. corridor
Registration Fees
- Individual, Adult Vendor or Business/Non-profit Organization - $53.00
- Youth Vendor (under the age of 18) - $0
- City Department or Commission - $0
- Artwalk Season Host - $0
Vendor/Demonstrator Duplication
To avoid duplication of certain art demonstrations, registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis (i.e. space in the event footprint will be reserved for only one face painter, henna artist, etc.) This area of the registration form will be updated regularly as registrations come in.
We are no longer accepting the following registration types:
- Face Painting
Participation Guidelines
All registered participants will receive an email containing event-branded graphics to support participant promotion of the Artwalk Season Finale. Share these graphics and/or City of Moscow social media posts to connect with an even broader audience.
All vendors are expected to be present and open for customer interaction throughout the duration of the event. In the weeks leading up the event, each registrant will be informed about vendor space assignments, load-in, and load-out times. Please note that each registrant will be responsible for supplying canopies, tables, and other equipment required for their activity during the event.
Please find answers to Frequently Asked Questions HERE.
You may save this form as a draft and come back to submit the final version. Scroll to the bottom to click the "Save Draft" button. To return to the form, login to Submittable and open the form for editing. Please double-check that all information is correct prior to submitting, as the content provided will be published on the flyer exactly as it appears in the form.
Project Description
The City of Moscow invites artists to submit three-dimensional artworks for the Intermodal Transit Center Sculpture Garden. The Intermodal Transit Center (ITC) was built by the City of Moscow in 2012. A one-stop concept for transportation in the community, the ITC provides access for taxis, vanpools and carpools, and expands pedestrian and bicyclist access to Paradise Path.
The ITC Sculpture Garden was created by the City of Moscow Arts Department in 2015, and it provides art viewing opportunities for the public as well as exhibition space for regional artists. Each year, a selection panel chooses four sculptures to be displayed at the Sculpture Garden for approximately twelve months. These works are viewed by travelers utilizing the many modes of transportation supported by the ITC.
This call is open to artists 18 years of age or older who live in Latah County, Nez Perce County, Asotin County, Whitman County, Nez Perce or Coeur d’Alene tribal members. Artists are eligible regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital or familial status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, and gender expression or identity. Artist teams are eligible to apply, including teams of artists from multiple disciplines. Selection panelists and their immediate family members are not eligible for participation. No artist sitting on a Selection Panel may submit a proposal for the project for which the Selection Panel was formed.
The location of this project does not allow for kinetic art, water features, or anything requiring electricity. Artists are encouraged to conduct a site visit prior to submitting artwork for consideration.
See site details HERE.
Project Timeline (subject to change)
April 16, 2025 | Deadline for submissions
April 23, 2025 | Artist notification
May 5, 2025 | Delivery of selected work to ITC Sculpture Garden (exact delivery time TBD)
May 2026 | Artwork Pick-up (exact date and time TBD)
Honorarium, Sales Information, and Loan Agreement
- Each selected artist will receive an honorarium of $1000 for the loan of the artwork, which will remain on display until May 2026.
- Works may be offered for sale, and any sales will be handled by the City of Moscow Arts Staff. Artwork sales will be subject to Idaho’s 6% sales tax and a 20% sales commission.
- Selected artists will complete a loan agreement releasing artwork for display at the Intermodal Transit Center Sculpture Garden. Works are to remain for the entire length of the display, and will be insured by the City of Moscow during the exhibition.
- The City of Moscow will incur all costs related to installation. All works will be securely welded to steel plates that are mounted on basalt plinths.
Online Submission Requirements
1. Artists may submit images of one sculpture with inventory information.
2. Detail photos or videos required:
a. Document the base of each sculpture to confirm that the work can be securely welded to the steel plate.
b. Provide a close-up detail of the surface finish and/or texture.
3. Biographical statement describing the artist’s connections with the community, area of work or study, and area of focus as an art maker.
4. Short artist statement about the piece (2 – 5 sentences).
Selection Process
The Selection Panel will select up to four (4) sculptures based on the works’ alignment with the selection criteria below. The MAC will create the Selection Panel by a majority vote during a regular Commission meeting. The Selection Panel will be comprised of the following:
Voting members:
a. Intermodal Transit Center Staff Member (1)
b. UI Art + Architecture Faculty or Graduate Student (1)
c. UI Facilities Staff Member (1)
d. Moscow Arts Commission Member (1)
e. Member of Artist Community (1)
Non-voting members:
a. Arts Manager (Selection Panel facilitator)
b. City staff members acting in a technical advisory capacity
Each Selection Panel member serves through the review and selection of one (1) round of annual submissions for the project at hand.
Selection Criteria
1. Conceptual Quality and Originality
a. The artist presents a compelling concept.
b. The proposed design is original to the presenting artist.
2. Form
a. The proposed design reveals mastery of formal craftsmanship.
b. The colors used provide visual variety in contrast with the muted hues of the Sculpture Garden landscaping and are chosen with an awareness of local educational institutions as well as their athletic rivals.
c. The proposal aligns with the design parameters in the project description and does not present a hazard to public safety.
d. The proposed artwork is made with materials suitable for the location (i.e. designed with materials impervious to environmental degradation). All surfaces should be coated to prevent unwanted rust or other changes to the surface of the artwork over the course of the one-year loan.
e. The proposed artwork is designed for resistance to theft or vandalism.
3. Content and Context
a. The artwork’s subject matter and content is appropriate for public exhibition and does not contain advertising, religious references, sexual content, negative imagery, or convey political partisanship.
b. The content of the proposed design is relevant to the City of Moscow’s values, culture, and people.
c. The proposed design serves to visually activate or enhance the intended location.
The City of Moscow reserves the right to change the dates of the project timeline, to modify this solicitation to request additional information or proposals from any or all participating artists, to reopen the competition and/or to accept or reject, at any time prior to the commissioning of a work, any or all design proposals.